Freedom Baptist Church

Bible Institute

Currently Teaching: Bible Theology

Teacher: Dr. Thomas Corkish

  1. Proper Theology - The Study of GOD
  2. Proper Theology - The Study of CHRIST
  3. Proper Theology - The Study of Holy Spirit
  4. Angels and Spiritual things
  5. Soteriology (Study of Salvation) and Study of the Gospel
  6. Anthropology (Study of Man)
  7. Ecclesiology (Study of the Church)
  8. Eschatology (Study of Future Events)

Previous Classes:

  1. Survey of the Bible
  2. Hermeneutics
There is nothing greater than to receive Jesus as your Lord & Saviour!
Call us for more information: 801-673-6336 or 801-970-2714

Salt Lake City - UT